Sahr J. Kpundeh

Sahr John Kpundeh is a member of the Governance Team in the World Bank Institute working on anti-corruption and governance. He has been a consultant to the United States Agency for International Development, the United Nations Development Programme, and several other commercial firms on issues relating to anti-corruption and good governance . Mr. Kpundeh is the author of Politics and Corruption in Africa: A Case Study of Sierra Leone (University Press of America, 1995); Co-author of USAID Handbook for Fighting Corruption (USAID Technical Publication Series, 1998); Co-editor of Corruption and Integrity Improvement Initiatives in Developing Countries (UNDP/OECD, 1998); Co-editor of Curbing Corruption: Toward a Model for Building National Integrity (1999, EDI Development Studies, the World Bank); editor, Democratization in Africa: African Views, African Voices (National Academy Press, 1992); and several published articles on issues of governance and corruption. From 1991 to 1995, Mr. Kpundeh was Program Officer of the Panel on Issues in Democracy and States in Transition at the National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. A Sierra Leone national, Mr. Kpundeh received his Ph.D. and Masters degrees from Howard University in Washington, D.C., with concentration in African Political Systems, Political Economy, and International Relations.